Bugaboo 4 U?

When it comes to choosing a pushchair it can seem a daunting prospect, mainly because they are very expensive. Which brand to go for? Which model? Where to buy it? Online or in a store? Should you buy one second hand or get a brand new one? As with everything when having a baby, folks are going to tell you their opinion on what you should do. My motto? The one who pays, decides.


When I was 6 months pregnant and reading a pushchair brochure in a coffee shop, a guy with a 3 year old child said to me “Choose your pushchair wisely, we are onto our 8th!” Ok…decision no1: We would buy only one pushchair to cover all the needs and see us through the buggy-period in our life. Better to pay a bit more once than buying 8 strollers!


When we found out that we were having twins (and after getting over the initial shock) I felt very strongly that I wanted to have a pushchair where the babies would ride side by side, and not the “double-decker” one where (probably the easier baby) would always be stuck in the lower seat (this turned out to be very true). This preference narrowed down the possibilities significantly, Bugaboo was almost the only one who offered the side-by-side twin buggy, called the Donkey.


My colleagues at work told me to buy a second hand pushchair from e-Bay and when I checked out what was on offer I noticed that the Bugaboos had an excellent re-sale value. You could buy one new, use it for couple of years and sell it for 60% of the original price, great!

So suddenly it started to feel like there really was just one possibility and when I started looking around, they were everywhere, Donkeys, Buffalos and Chameleons! The Bugaboos had taken over our neighborhood.


And I must admit, if Bugaboo was the choice of Gwyneth Paltrow and Princess Madeleine, well it had to be mine as well. bugaboo5

The last decision was about the colour. My babies were arriving in July, so I wanted something light and went for “Off white”. The summer turned out to be long and very hot, so this colour was great. A black buggy would have been too hot for newborns. Of course there is another way at looking at the all important choice of colour. A friend’s husband offered great advice: “Think of the clothes you have and think which colour buggy would go with your wardrobe”. A Bugaboo is the ultimate fashion accessory!

And how has it been? Worth the investment? Every penny.


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